Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Los Angeles Down

      Los Angeles buildings were down and attacked. They were burning, ashes falling and landing on the streets. People getting hurt by running, tripping, getting burnt, getting scared, etc. There were dozens of firefighters everywhere trying to stop and relax the fires. Bombs were exploded, no one knew when and where the next bomb was coming from. Smoke everywhere, traffic everywhere, people getting scared and terrified. 
  July 22,2005 was a Sunday, the sun was out with a little wind. It was summer time, everyone wanting to go out and play and have fun. Later that evening every channel on the t.v. was focusing on the news. everyone was reporting that the president of Japan was coming to town and was going to Washington D.C to have a talk with the president of the united states. The president of Japan wanted to talk about how the president of the United States could help Japan become a better and safer place.
   President of Japan arrived to the white house. Many people outside of the gates  wanting to take pictures. Their were a lot of security so no one could get inside without having permission. Both presidents met up and had a talk, everything was going fine, when suddenly it happened. Two out of six bodyguards from Japan attacked the president and held him down, while the president of Japan got up and started making a phone call. 
   The phone call was made and was connected to three pilots flying above the sky. What nobody knew was that Los Angeles was about to be struck and hit. "Let the bombs drop." said the president of japan very serious. Three bombs were falling from the sky, one hitting Downtown LA, another hitting the Valley, and the last one hitting Hollywood. While in D.C the president was still down while no one could him. The President of Japan was hacking the system and changing codes, doing everything he could to destroy the nation.
    Downtown LA, Hollywood, and the Valley were struck. buildings were down and on fire, streets were filled with smoke, ashes falling all over the place even on people, people getting injured and hurt, everyone was scared, no one knew what to do. Army, police, and firefighters were all over the place trying to help and calm everything, but things got worse and didn't stop. Inside the white house the president was still down but one of his secretary's was there and his goal was to save him and the day. Carl was his name, and Carl knew eveything and eveyone about the white house. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Nuclear Power

      Nuclear power is energy which is produced with the use of controlled nuclear reaction. Some people favor nuclear reaction. Some people favor nuclear power because the energy is considered cleaner than fossil fuels. While, others oppose to nuclear power because it is unsafe and expensive. Many people take these topics very serious and will sometimes fight for what they believe in. fighting for what you believe is not wrong, I think it is great, but there also has to be caution because sometimes people get carried away.
      Three reasons for being in favor of nuclear power is climate change, potential (nuclear fusion would, potentially, solve all of our energy needs, and nuclear power plants require much less land area than comparable output wind or solar power sites. These reasons come from websites such as “ and”, written by people who want their voice to be heard. Three reasons in opposition of nuclear is that it is unsafe and expensive, nuclear waste are an unresolved problem and in nuclear power stations can also use its purification plants to make weapons. These reasons come from websites such as “,, and”
       Nuclear power is dangerous because not only is it bad for us humans but it is also bad for the plants. In the article the truth about nuclear power it says, “ when the day comes that the electricity from solar or nuclear power plants is worth more than the costs associated with generating it.” This means that nuclear power uses electricity but it is very expensive and too much to handle.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What is it like to be an American?

               Many people have different opinions and voices. An American has many and different rights that they can do. For me, being an American is great and I feel proud. There are so many interesting histories that are nice to know. Since my parents are from their own country, it is nice and sad because they can’t do certain things. Being an American is to be free and to have the freedom of speech. Also to be an American, you can vote for president, secretary, etc. Being an American, you can have a better life. You can get a job, earn and/or invest money.
     When you have kids, they have a chance to have a better life. There are so many opportunities, but only if you make the right decisions. We are all treated equally no matter what color skin you have and culture you are from. You have the right to do anything you feel like it. You can start a club for the environment, fundraise, and donate, etc. which means that you can do anything. Being an American means to be united as one, and to be able to depend, rely, and give hope to each other. The bill of rights protects and allows these freedoms. We are allowed to say what we want, although there are some restrictions.

     We are fortunate to have a government where they look out for every one of us, and try to do what is the best interest of our country. We have a society that is willing to help people who are not as fortunate as some others. Immigrants are what help America be America. They bring to our country strong family structures and strong morals. Foreigners also help our economy prosper. For many immigrants, family comes first over everything. Many people dream about being an American. They dream because they envision America as the land of peace and prosperity. I personally am proud to be an American, even though when I grow, I know that it will be harder. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


            In this passage, Jozul is explaining advertisement. She explains that people shouldn't buy what they see on TV,just because an artist told them that the product works and that they use it. The artist that do these advertisements don't even use the products they just do it for fame and money. Sue discusses how people should not go and buy the product just because a famous or an attracted person tells them to. She explains that the is bad. 
      In my opinion, i agree with Sue Jozul. People all over the world think that the advertisements are real, then they go and buy the product. When they realize that the product does not work or is not in good condition they can't do anything about it. They wasted their money and that money goes to the company who made the product and to the artist. Also i think that people can have low self-esteem, so when they see the advertise they want it, so that they can be like the artist. When the product fails, their is nothing they can do. I agree with Jozul that they should stop making these advertise.